Name | Summary | Category |
+= Addition Assignment | += adds the value of the right parameter to the value of the left parameter and sets the left parameter to the resulting value. The left parameter should be a variable that contains a string,... | Symbol |
+ Addition (Concatenation) | + adds the value of the right parameter to the value of the left parameter and returns the resulting value. This symbol performs mathematical addition if both parameters contain decimal or integer... | Symbol |
&& And Logical | && performs a boolean And operation. Returns True if both parameters evaluate to True or False otherwise. The left and right parameter to this symbol will be cast to boolean automatically. Integer... | Symbol |
: Array | The : symbol is a shortcut for the [Array] tag. A new array is formed with the parameters after the : symbol. | Symbol |
= Assignment | = sets the variable named by the left parameter to the value of the right parameter. The variable named by the left parameter must already have been created with the [Variable] or [Local] tag.... | Symbol |
:= Assignment and Value | := sets the variable named by the left parameter to the value of the right parameter and returns the value that was set. The variable named by the left parameter must already have been created with... | Symbol |
{ } Braces | Braces { } allow a compound expression to be defined. A compound expression can be thought of as a LassoScript which can be stored in a variable or as a tag that does not have a name. The syntax... | Delimiter |
: Colon | A colon is used after each Lasso tag to seperate the tag name from the tag parameters. If a tag does not have any parameters then the colon is optional. | Delimiter |
, Comma | Commas are used between multiple parameters of a Lasso tag. Each keyword, value, keyword/value, or name/value pair is specified followed by a comma and the next parameter. | Delimiter |
>> Contains | >> performs checks to see if the string defined by the left parameter contains the string defined by the right parameter. It returns True if it does or False otherwise. | Symbol |
-- Decrement | -- decrements the value of the right parameter by one and returns the result. If the right parameter is a variable then the result is stored in the variable. The result will be either an integer or... | Symbol |
/ Division | / divides the value of the right parameter by the value of the left parameter and returns the resulting value. This symbol performs mathematical division if both parameters contain decimal or... | Symbol |
/= Division Assignment | /= divides the value of the right parameter by the value of the left parameter and sets the left parameter to the resulting value. The left parameter should be a variable that contains a decimal or... | Symbol |
" " Double Quotes | Double quotes are an alternate to single quotes. In order to embed quotes or other characters within string literals use the following escape sequences. \' - A single quote. \" - A double... | Delimiter |
= Equal Sign | The equal sign is used between the name and value of a name/value pair or between the keyword and value of a keyword/value pair within the parameters for a Lasso tag. | Delimiter |
== Equals | == checks to see if the value of the right parameter is equal to the value of the left parameter. It returns True if they are or False otherwise. Note: If the parameter on the right hand side of the... | Symbol |
=== Equivalence | === performs a check to see if the left parameter is equivalent to the right parameter. It returns True if both the value and type of the parameters are equal or False otherwise. The === symbol will... | Symbol |
/ Forward Slash | The forward slash is used to mark the closing tag of a container tag whether it is specified in square brackets or in LassoScript. | Delimiter |
> Greater Than | > checks that the left parameter is greater than the right parameter. It compares either numbers or strings (which are checked alphabetically). Note: If the parameter on the right hand side of the... | Symbol |
>= Greater Than or Equals | >= checks that the left parameter is greater or equal to the right parameter. It compares either numbers or strings (which are checked alphabetically). Note: If the parameter on the right hand side... | Symbol |
- Hyphen | Hyphens are used to signal the start of Lasso command tags and keywords. Command tags are specified within the opening [Inline] tag as well as within HTML forms, inputs, and URLs. Keywords or... | Delimiter |
?| If Else | The ternary if else symbol can be used to evaluate a conditional within an expression. The tag is used as ( conditional ? true result | false result ). If the conditional expression evaluates to true... | Symbol |
++ Increment | ++ increments the value of the right parameter by one and returns the result. If the right parameter is a variable then the result is stored in the variable. The result will be either an integer or... | Symbol |
LassoScript allows many Lasso tags to be embedded into a format file using an efficient, easy to read syntax. This method is most useful for long blocks of code. The same Lasso tags as can be... | Delimiter | |
// LassoScript Comment | The double slash is used to introduce a LassoScript comment. All characters until the end of the line are ignored and not processed. It is good style to use comments to document LassoScript code... | Delimiter |
Please note that periodically LassoSoft will go through the notes and may incorporate information from them into the documentation. Any submission here gives LassoSoft a non-exclusive license and will be made available in various formats to the Lasso community.
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