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[Email_Send] queues an email message for sending. The email message is sent within a couple minutes by an automatic background process.

The current Email Queue can be viewed in Lasso Administration in the Monitor > Email section. Preferences can also be set here for whether emails should be logged, how many retries should be attempted per email, default host, and more.

The email tag requires that the -From, -Subject, and -Body parameters have values. The -Host parameter is required only if a default has not been established in Lasso Administration.

At least one of -To, -CC, and -BCC must contain valid email addresses. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas, but use of the real name and email address is not supported.

The optional -Attachments parameter can be set to the fully qualified file path for a single file that should be included as an attachment to the email message.

The optional -ExtraMIMEHeaders parameter can be set to an array of name/value pairs which define extra headers that should be included with the email message. For example, a "Reply To" header could be included in this way.

  • Syntax
  • Parameters
[Email_Send: -Host='Host Name',
  -To='Recipient Email Address',
  -From='Sender Email Address',
  -Subject='Email Subject',
  -Body='Email Body Text']

[Email_Send: -Host='Host Name',
  -To='Recipient Email Address',
  -CC='Recipient Email Address',
  -BCC='Recipient Email Address',
  -From='Sender Email Address',
  -Subject='Email Subject',
  -Body='Email Body Text']

[Email_Send: -Host='Host Name',
  -To='Recipient Email Address',
  -From='Sender Email Address',
  -Subject='Email Subject',
  -Body='Email Body Text',
  -Attachments='Attachment Path',
  -ExtraMIMEHeaders='Headers Pair Array']
Required Parameters
-Host The name of the SMTP server which should be used for outgoing email.
-To The address of the recipient of the message. Mutliple recipients can be specified by separating the addresses with a comma. Either -To, -CC, or -BCC must be specified.
-From The address of the sender of the message. The sender must have permission to send messages through the specified SMTP server.
-Subject The subject of the email message.
-Body The body of the email message.
Optional Parameters
-CC The address of the carbon copied recipient of the message. Mutliple recipients can be specified by separating the addresses with a comma. Either -To, -CC, or -BCC must be specified.
-BCC The address of the blind carbon copied recipient of the message. Mutliple recipients can be specified by separating the addresses with a comma. Either -To, -CC, or -BCC must be specified.
-ExtraMIMEHeaders An array of pairs which define additional MIME headers that should be included in an outgoing email message.
-Attachments The path to a files which should be included as an attachment to the email message.

To send an email from a format file:

Use the [Email_Send] tag. The following example sends an email to through the server each time the page is visited. The contents of the email is the current date and time.

[Email_Send: -Host='',
  -Subject='A page visit!',

To send an email with the contents of a format file:

Use the [Email_Send] tag. The following example sends an email to through the server each time the page is visited. The contents of the format file format.lasso is used as the body of the email message.

[Email_Send: -Host='',
  -Subject='A page visit!',
  -Body=(Include: 'format.lasso')]
Tag Link [Email_Send] Category Utility
Type Process Data Source Any
Support Preferred Version 5.0
Output Type None Security Tag
Implementation Sets Lasso 5.0

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