Stores all the specifications for a font style in a font object. Parameters are used with the [PDF_Font] type that define the font face, file, size, color, encoding, and whether to embed it in the PDF. A [PDF_Font] instance stored in a variable is called using the -Font parameter of another [PDF_...] type. The [PDF_Font] must be instantiated before it can be used in another [PDF_...] type.
Parameter | Description |
-Face | Specifies the font by its family name (e.g. "Helvetica"). Required if the -File parameter is not used. Allowed font names are Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Symbol, Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, and ZapfDingbats. |
-File | Creates a font from a local font file. The file name and path to the font must be specified (e.g., '/Fonts/Courier'). Supported font file types are TrueType Font (.ttf) or OpenType Font (.otf). |
-Size | Sets the font size in points (e.g 14). Required if the -File parameter is not used. |
-Color | Sets the font color to a [PDF_Color] object or a hex color string (e.g., '#EEEE00'). Defaults to '#000000' if not specified. |
-Encoding | Sets the desired font encoding for the font (e.g., 'cp1252'). |
-Embed | Embeds the fonts used within the PDF document as opposed to relying on the client PDF reader for font information. |
local(myfont) = pdf_font(
-file = 'Filepath to TrueType Font or OpenType Font File',
-size = Integer Value,
-color = '#Hexadecimal Value',
-encoding = 'Encoding Value',
local(myfont) = pdf_font(
-face = 'Allowed Font Face',
-size = Integer Value,
-color = '#Hexadecimal Value',
-encoding = 'Encoding Value',
The example belows shows how to use the [PDF_Font] method to define a 14-point red Helvetica font for use in a PDF document. The local #myfont can be used as the value for the -Font parameter of any [PDF_...] method.
local(myfont) = pdf_font(
-face = 'Helvetica',
-size = 14,
-color = '#990000')
local(mypdf) = pdf_doc(
local(text) = pdf_text(
'My first PDF.',
#mypdf = bytes(#mypdf)
file_serve(#mypdf, -file='mypdf.pdf', -type='Content-Type: application/pdf')
A PDF file containing 14-point red Helvetica text "My first PDF." is served to the web browser.
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