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Casts an existing PDF document on the server as an object. This object can be added to a [PDF_Doc] variable using the [PDF_Doc->InsertPage] tag, and then modified. Requires a -File parameter, which specifies the name and path to a PDF file. Optional -Password parameter specifies the owner password to use to open an encrypted file.

  • Syntax
  • Parameters
[Var:'File'=(PDF_Read: -File='/folder/file.pdf')]
Required Parameters
-File Specifies the name and path to a PDF file to read on the server.
Optional Parameters
-Password The owner password to use to open encrypted PDF files.

To read in an existing PDF document:

In order to work with an existing PDF document, it must first be cast as a Lasso variable using the [PDF_Read] tag. Then, pages from the old PDF document can be added to a [PDF_Doc] variable, where data can be appended using [PDF_Doc] member tags such as [PDF_Doc->Add].

[Var:'New_PDF'=(PDF_Doc: -File='MyFile.pdf', -Format='PDF', -Size='A4')]
[$New_PDF->(InsertPage: $Old_PDF, 1)]
Tag Link [PDF_Read] Category PDF
Type Substitution Data Source Any
Support Preferred Version 7.0
Output Type PDF_Read Security Tag
Implementation LJAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0

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