Name | Summary | Category |
Email_FindEmails | [Email_FindEmails] is a utility method that is used internally by the email sending system. The method takes a string parameter and returns an array of email addresses contained in the string. | |
email_compose | [Email_Compose] allows an email message to be composed. For most purposes the [Email_Send] tag itself provides enough email composition options, but the [Email_Compose] type can be used if more... | |
Email_Immediate | [Email_Immediate] sends an email immediately — bypassing the email queue system. This method can be used for messages that are of very high priority (but should be used sparingly) or can be... | |
email_merge | [Email_Merge] is a helper method which performs an email merge operation on the headers and body of an email message.
The method requires two parameters:
email_batch | The [email_batch] method allows for quickly queueing up a bunch of emails. | |
email_parse | [Email_Parse] parses a raw email message. The tag requires one parameter which is the raw text of an email message. The message is parsed into headers and body parts (attachments). The various member... | |
email_extract | [Email_Extract] strips all comments from a MIME header. It requires one parameter which is the MIME header. Alternately, if the tag is specified with a -Comment parameter it will return just... | |
email_digestchallenge | [Email_DigestChallenge] is a helper tag which is used internally by the POP and SMTP tags in order to process DIGEST-MD5 authentication. The tag expects a single parameter which is a byte... | |
email_digestresponse | [Email_DigestResponse] is a helper method which is used internally by the POP and SMTP tags in order to process DIGEST-MD5 authentication. The method expects a single parameter which is a map... | |
email_mxlookup | No description available. | |
email_compose->asString | Outputs the contents of an [email_compose] object as a string. Calling this member method produces the raw email text of the message being composed. | |
email_compose->mime_boundary | No description available. | |
email_compose->mime_hdrs | No description available. | |
email_compose->addtextpart | [email_compose->addTextPart] adds a new text part to a message being composed. The method requires either the -data parameter which is the text of the part to be added, or... |
email_compose->addhtmlpart | [email_compose->addHtmlPart] adds a new HTML part to a message being composed. The tag requires either the -data parameter which takes the HTML text of the part to be... |
email_compose->addattachment | [email_compose->addAttachment] adds a new attachment to a message being composed. The tag requires either both the -data and -name parameters or the... |
email_compose->addpart | No description available. | |
email_compose->data | No description available. | |
email_compose->recipients | [Email_Compose->Recipients] returns an array that contains all of the recipients of the message being composed. The output of this method is usually sent into [Email_Queue] or [Email_Immediate] | |
email_compose->FROM | [Email_Compose->From] returns from address for the message being composed. The output of this method is usually sent into [Email_Queue] or [Email_Immediate] | |
email_compose->find | No description available. | |
email_parse->asString | No description available. | |
email_parse->boundary | [Email_Parse->Boundary] returns the boundary text for the email message. This is the boundary field of the Content-Type header and is only defined for multipart messages. | |
email_parse->bcc | [Email_Parse->Bcc] returns the value for the Bcc header. Note that this header is not defined for incoming email, but may be for outgoing email. | |
email_parse->body | [Email_Parse->Body] returns the body of the email message. For simple messages the text of the message is returned. For multi-part messages the contents of the first text part is returned... |
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