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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
03 Jul, 2007  [uploadVars] Creates vars of the upload map elements Utility Alex Pilson
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_include_directory] Includes every file found in a given directory with the extension .lasso, .las, .inc, .incl. Include Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_listdirectory] Returns directory listing given a web path, similar to file_listdirectory except you do not need file tag permissions. File Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_findPath] Returns the web path (or null) to the first found file or directory that matches the given name starting from the current path up to the webroot. File Bil Corry
17 Aug, 2007  [lp_include_url] Charset-aware include_url, returns string instead of bytes. Utility Bil Corry
26 Aug, 2006  [lp_header_xPoweredBy] Via header, sets the X-Powered-By header. Custom Tag Bil Corry
08 Mar, 2007  [lp_site_isStarting] Returns true when the site starting up. Utility Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_date_serverDST] Returns true if a date is within Daylight Savings Time (Spring to Fall) for the TIMEZONE SETTING OF THE SERVER! Date Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_client_isAJAX] Returns true if client is an AJAX (XHR) request. Client Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_trimPath] Returns a sanitized path that will never specify from harddisk root. File Bil Corry
22 May, 2008  [lp_page_path] Returns page path information, depending on the member tag used. Utility Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_display_filesize] Returns the file size formatted for display given the number of bytes. Utility Bil Corry
08 Mar, 2007  [lp_site_restart] Restarts the current Lasso site. Utility Bil Corry
26 Aug, 2006  [lp_header_noPrefetch] Aborts the page if the page is prefetched by a browser. Utility Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_date_UTCtimestamp] Returns number of seconds since 1/1/1970 for UTC/GMT timezone. Date Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_error_clearError] Resets error_currenterror to noerror. Error Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_page_isAtEnd] Returns true when called within [define_atEnd]. Utility Bil Corry
30 Jun, 2009  [LSD_String_ToDuration] Converts a string with more natural language to a duration String Brad Lindsay
21 Jun, 2010  [lsd_string_replacemultiple] Replaces values in a string using an array of pairs for search, replace String Brad Lindsay
28 Sep, 2007  [Content_Expires] Sets the current page to expire from the client cache at a specific time. Technical Daniel Logue
11 Nov, 2010  [excel_date] Excel Serial Date format utilities Date Dominique Guardiola Falco
08 Apr, 2008  [join_params] Join POST or GET arguments values with the same value, to make an inline-friendly pairs array. Array Dominique Guardiola Falco
17 Oct, 2009  [cms_easythumb] Wrapper for Webthumb wesite snapshot REST API Image Dominique Guardiola Falco
23 Apr, 2010  [laposte] Calculate shipping cost for La Poste, french postal service Custom Tag Dominique Guardiola Falco
25 Sep, 2009  [B_UUID] Returns a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Custom Tag Douglas Burchard
Showing 1 - 25 of 116

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