The decimal data type represents positive or negative real numbers. Decimals are stored as 64-bit, double precision, floating point values.
Decimals are usually created as literals. Positive decimal literals are simply number which contain a decimal point such as 1.0, 34.5, or 5018.4563. Negative decimal literals must be surrounded by parentheses such as (-1.0), (-35.3), or (-1000000.0000001).
Decimals are always input using the American notation with a period . as the decimal point. Decimals are output using 6 digit precision. See the [Decimal->SetFormat] tag for information about alternate output formats.
Decimals can be manipulated using a number of mathematical symbols. For example, (1.0 + 1.0), (5.0 - 3.0), (2.5 * 3.6), or (10.0 / 5). An expression with a decimal on either side of the mathematical symbol will always return a decimal value.
Strings or integers can be cast to decimals using the [Decimal] tag. For example, [Decimal: 3] returns the decimal 3.0 and [Decimal: '7.333333'] returns the decimal 7.333333.
[Variable: 'myDecimal' = 7.4563]
[Variable: 'myDecimal' = (-3.14159)]
[Variable: 'myDecimal' = (Decimal: '1.3')]
[Variable: 'myDecimal' = (Decimal: 10)]
[Output: (10.1 / (-3.4))]
[Output: (3.14159 * 64)]
See the Lasso 8 Language Guide for examples of how to use this tag.
Tag Link | Decimal | Category | Data Type |
Type | Data Type | Data Source | Any |
Support | Preferred | Version | 5.0 |
Output Type | Security | ||
Implementation | Internal | Sets | Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0 |
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