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Casts a file as an object. Requires the name and path to a file as a parameter, in addition to the open and read mode indicators.

When a file connection is opened using the [File] tag, several different open modes can be used. These modes optimize the file connection for best performance depending on the purpose of the connection. A read mode may also be specified to determine how the file will be read (by line or by character). The open and read modes are described below.

  • Syntax
  • Parameters
[Var:'File Variable'=(File: 'file name', Open Mode, Read Mode)]
Required Parameters
'File path' The name and path to a file.
Open Mode The open mode defines the purpose and permissions of the file connection, and may be one of the following values:
  • File_OpenRead – Sets the file connection to read-only.
  • File_OpenWrite – Sets the file connection to write-only.
  • File_OpenReadWrite – Sets the file connection to read and write.
  • File_OpenWriteAppend – Sets the file connection to write and append data.
  • File_OpenWriteTruncate – Sets the file connection to write and truncate data.
  • Read Mode The read mode defines whether the file will be read by line or by character when using the [File->Get] tag, and may be one of the following values:
  • File_ModeChar – Reads a file character by character.
  • File_ModeLine – Reads a character line by line.
  • Examples

    To cast a file as an LDML object:

    Use the [File] tag. The example below casts a local file named myfile.txt as an LDML object in read-only/character mode. Note that no single quotes are used around the open and read mode designators, as they are type constants and not strings.

    [Var:'File'=(File: 'myfile.txt', (File_OpenRead), (File_ModeChar))]
    Tag Link [File] Category File
    Type Substitution Data Source Any
    Support Preferred Version 7.0
    Output Type File Security Tag,File
    Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0

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