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[Pair] creates a new pair from a single name/value parameter. The name and the value can be of any data type.

  • Syntax
  • Parameters
[Pair: 'Name'='Value']
Required Parameters
Name/Value Pair The name and value of the parameter become the first and second elements of the pair.

To add a pair to a pair array:

Use the [Pair] tag to create a new pair and the [Array->Insert] tag to insert it at the end of an array. The following example adds a new name/value pair to the end of the [Action_Params] pair array.

[Variable: 'theAction'=(Action_Params)]
[Variable: 'newPair'=(Pair: 'First_Name'='John')]
[(Variable: 'theAction')->(Insert: (Variable: 'newPair'))]
Tag Link [Pair] Category Data Type
Type Substitution Data Source Any
Support Preferred Version 5.0
Output Type Pair Security None
Implementation Sets Lasso 5.0

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