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Name Summary Category
list_node No description available. List
list No description available. List
Queue [Queue] creates a new queue. Any parameters to the tag are copied as the initial elements for the queue. [Queue] is a type which represents a FIFO list of elements. The queue type maintains a... List
list The [list] method creates a new list object. The method accepts any number of parameters. Any parameters given are used as the initial elements of the list. List objects contain a series of... List
listmethods listmethods() is a method that lists the methods of a given type. Requires a type as the parameter. List
list_node->next No description available. List
list_node->prev No description available. List
list_node->value No description available. List
list->asString [list->asString] outputs the list as a string. This method is used for debugging purposes List
list->contains [List->Contains] returns True of the method parameter is contained in the list or False otherwise. This method performs the same operation as the contains symbol >> with a list on the... List
list->first [List->First] returns the first value in the list or Null if the list is empty. List
list->forEach No description available. List
list->insertFirst [List->InsertFirst] inserts the specified value into the start of the list. The new value is inserted into the first position in the list and all the other values in the list are shifted up one... List
list->insert [List->Insert] inserts a value into the list. The method requires a single parameter which is the value to be inserted at the end of the list. List
list->insertLast [List->InsertLast] inserts the specified value into the end of the list. The new value is inserted into the last position in the list. The list is modified in-place and no result is... List
list->last [List->Last] returns the last element of the list. [List->Last] is the equivalent of [List->Get(-1)]. List
list->remove [List->Remove] removes an item from the lists. Accepts an iterator parameter identifying the item to be removed. Defaults to the last item in the list. Returns no value List
list->removeall [List->RemoveAll] removes all matching elements from the list. The list is modified in-place and no result is returned. List
list->removeFirst [List->RemoveFirst] removes the first element of the list. All of the other elements in the list are shifted down one position. The list is modified in-place and no result is returned. List
list->removeLast [List->RemoveLast] removes the last element of the list. The list is modified in-place and no result is returned. List
list->size [List->Size] returns the number of elements in the list. List
list->values No description available. List
list->listNode No description available. List
Queue->asString [Queue->asString] outputs the queue as a string. This method is used for debugging purposes. List
Queue->first [Queue->first] returns the first value in the queue or Null if the queue is empty. [Queue->first] does not remove the element. List
Showing 1 - 25 of 37

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