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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
29 Apr, 2007  [Admin_AssignDatabaseToGroup] Allows you to quickly assign a database and it's tables to a specific group Administration Adam Randall
13 May, 2008  [Xaren_Client_IP] Client_IP replacement that has subnet support Client Adam Randall
29 Nov, 2005  [show_mySQLvars] Utiltity to view your MySQL system variables Database Alex Pilson
21 Jan, 2006  [display_sql] Simple tag to view action_statements for debugging SQL. Database Alex Pilson
03 Jul, 2007  [uploadVars] Creates vars of the upload map elements Utility Alex Pilson
16 Jan, 2006  [valid_email2] A better email validation tag. Email Alex Pilson
16 Nov, 2005  [go_HTTP] Change current link action to non SSL realm Response Alex Pilson
21 Feb, 2006  [text_to_url_LP6] Tag to make URL and MAILTO: links from a text input or field. String Asle Benoni
10 Jul, 2008  [text_to_url] Tag to make URL and MAILTO: links from a text input or field. String Asle Benoni
21 Apr, 2006  [lp_crypt_xor] Returns xor-encrypted/decrypted string given a string and password. Encryption Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_linefeedSet] Standardizes the line endings in a string. String Bil Corry
26 Aug, 2006  [lp_header_noPrefetch] Aborts the page if the page is prefetched by a browser. Utility Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_date1970] Returns a date given the number of days since 1/1/1970. Date Bil Corry
17 Feb, 2006  [lp_math_phi] Returns the value of Phi, aka The Golden Ratio. Math Bil Corry
08 May, 2006  [lp_string_wordcount] Returns the number of words in a given string of text. String Bil Corry
02 Dec, 2005  [lp_array_join] Similar to array->join, but with more options. Array Bil Corry
21 Apr, 2006  [lp_math_earthRotationAngle] Returns the earth rotation angle in radians given a Julian date. Math Bil Corry
19 Mar, 2008  [lp_string_firstwords] Returns the first series of words in a string, up to a max length. String Bil Corry
12 Feb, 2006  [lp_session_redirect] Redirects to a target site and includes the current session(s), if any. Session Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_hexToDec] Returns a base10 integer given a base16 string. Math Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_client_param] Returns the value of a client GET/POST parameter. Client Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_string_chr] Returns a character given an integer octet or an array of integer octets. String Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_pad] Returns a padded string. String Bil Corry
17 Aug, 2007  [lp_include_url] Charset-aware include_url, returns string instead of bytes. Utility Bil Corry
23 Jan, 2006  [lp_string_radixprint] Returns binary, decimal and hexadecimal values for a given string or bytes. String Bil Corry
Showing 1 - 25 of 471

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