Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
26 Aug, 2006 | [lp_header_noPrefetch] | Aborts the page if the page is prefetched by a browser. | Utility | Bil Corry |
03 Dec, 2005 | [lp_protect_break] | Allows you to skip a section of code, just place [protect] around the part to skip over. | Error | Bil Corry |
17 Aug, 2007 | [lp_include_url] | Charset-aware include_url, returns string instead of bytes. | Utility | Bil Corry |
06 Sep, 2006 | [lp_date_localtoUTC] | Converts a date from server timezone to UTC/GMT timezone. | Date | Bil Corry |
06 Sep, 2006 | [lp_date_UTCtoLocal] | Converts a date from UTC/GMT timezone to server timezone. | Date | Bil Corry |
30 Oct, 2006 | [lp_date_stringToDate] | Converts a date string to a date type. | Date | Bil Corry |
27 Jan, 2006 | [lp_string_CP1252toUTF8] | Converts CP1252 (aka Windows-1252) characters to their UTF-8 equivalents. | String | Bil Corry |
18 Jan, 2006 | [lp_string_extendedToPlain] | Converts extended characters in UTF-8 to their plain ASCII equivalents. | String | Bil Corry |
03 Dec, 2005 | [lp_logical_in] | Evaluates if a value is contained within a list of elements. Returns true or false. | Conditional | Bil Corry |
05 Dec, 2005 | [lp_logical_between] | Evaluates if a value is inclusively between a high and low value. Returns true or false. | Conditional | Bil Corry |
03 Dec, 2005 | [lp_date_leapyear] | Given a year (or date), it returns true if it is a Gregorian leap year, or false if it is not. | Date | Bil Corry |
28 Apr, 2006 | [lp_array_roundrobin] | Given an array, it will return the next element in the array. | Array | Bil Corry |
03 Dec, 2007 | [lp_include_directory] | Includes every file found in a given directory with the extension .lasso, .las, .inc, .incl. | Include | Bil Corry |
07 Sep, 2006 | [lp_var_pack] | Packs variables into compact, ASCII-safe bundles. Optionally can encrypt data. | Variable | Bil Corry |
17 May, 2006 | [lp_inline_dataset] | Records abstraction type. | Database | Bil Corry |
12 Feb, 2006 | [lp_session_redirect] | Redirects to a target site and includes the current session(s), if any. | Session | Bil Corry |
30 Oct, 2006 | [lp_page_trim] | Removes unneeded whitespace from page being served to client browser. | Utility | Bil Corry |
30 Oct, 2006 | [lp_error_clearError] | Resets error_currenterror to noerror. | Error | Bil Corry |
08 Mar, 2007 | [lp_site_restart] | Restarts the current Lasso site. | Utility | Bil Corry |
03 Dec, 2007 | [lp_session_id] | Retrieves all current Session IDs and returns them as HTML s, URL strings or an array of pairs. | Session | Bil Corry |
05 Dec, 2005 | [lp_math_hexToDec] | Returns a base10 integer given a base16 string. | Math | Bil Corry |
05 Dec, 2005 | [lp_math_binToDec] | Returns a base10 integer given a base2 string. | Math | Bil Corry |
17 Jan, 2006 | [lp_math_octetToDec] | Returns a base10 integer given an array of integer octets. | Math | Bil Corry |
05 Dec, 2005 | [lp_math_decToHex] | Returns a base16 string given a base10 integer. | Math | Bil Corry |
06 Dec, 2005 | [lp_math_binToHex] | Returns a base16 string given a base2 string. | Math | Bil Corry |
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