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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
08 May, 2006  [weatherbug_getliveweather] Returns live weather conditions for the given WeatherBug station. Utility Jason Huck
07 Sep, 2010  [notifo] Send push notifications to mobile devices via the notifo API. Utility Jason Huck
21 Jul, 2006  [feedburner_mgmtapi] Lasso implementation of the FeedBurner Management API. Utility Jason Huck
19 Sep, 2007  [paypal_wsapi] Implements version 2.0 of PayPal's Web Services API in Lasso. Utility Jason Huck
16 Jan, 2006  [c5_shortunique] Generates a 14-character UID. Utility Jason Huck
15 Mar, 2007  [yahoo_search] Returns search results via Yahoo! Utility Jason Huck
14 Nov, 2011  [mailchimp] Lasso wrapper for the MailChimp API. Email Jason Huck
16 Jan, 2006  [break] Implements a break function for protect blocks. Error Jason Huck
22 Mar, 2006  [encode_urlpath] Makes a string safe to use as a URL path component with Apache. Encoding Jason Huck
05 Sep, 2007  [yahoo_stockquote] Alternate version of the original [stock_quote] tag. Utility Jason Huck
07 Aug, 2007  [google_analytics] Retrieves reports from Google Analytics. Utility Jason Huck
16 Jan, 2006  [c5_clockskew] Displays the difference between client and server time. Date Jason Huck
08 May, 2006  [weatherbug_getstations] Returns a list of WeatherBug stations in a zip code. Utility Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_groupassignpath] Assigns the given path to the given group. Administration Jason Huck
24 Sep, 2008  [asset_manager] Automatically includes optimized scripts and styles in pages. Utility Jason Huck
13 May, 2009  [cache_names] Returns an array of cache names. Utility Jason Huck
13 Feb, 2006  [cast] Shortcut to programmatically cast a variable to a new type. Variable Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [date_firstdayofweek] Returns the date of the first day of the week for the given date. Date Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [email_check] Checks the specified POP account for messages. Email Jason Huck
16 Jan, 2006  [log_clf] Generates logs in Combined Log Format. Utility Jason Huck
01 May, 2006  [response_localfolder] Returns the absolute path to the current directory. Response Jason Huck
22 Sep, 2008  [css_normalizeurls] Returns a version of the given CSS file with all relative URLs converted to absolute ones. File Jason Huck
21 Feb, 2006  [tsp_geocode] Returns lat/long for the given street address. Utility Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_groupassignhost] Assigns the specified host to the specified group. Administration Jason Huck
10 Jul, 2006  [google_geocode] Geocodes the provided address via the Google Maps API. Utility Jason Huck
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