Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_createdatabase] | Creates a new database on the selected host and enables it in SiteAdmin. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_creategroup] | Adds a new group to Lasso Admin. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassigndatabase] | Assigns the specified database to the specified group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassignhost] | Assigns the specified host to the specified group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassignpath] | Assigns the given path to the given group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_listhosts] | Returns an array of all enabled hosts. | Administration | Jason Huck |
28 Apr, 2006 | [akismet] | Check user-contributed content for spam with the Akismet API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
26 Apr, 2006 | [amazon_albumcover] | Retrieves a large image URL for the given album from Amazon. | Utility | Jason Huck |
17 Jan, 2006 | [array_flip] | Inverts the key/value pairs in a pair array. | Array | Jason Huck |
24 Oct, 2005 | [array_shuffle] | Returns the given array in a new, random order. | Array | Jason Huck |
18 Jun, 2008 | [array_unique] | An array that only holds unique values. | Array | Jason Huck |
24 Sep, 2008 | [asset_manager] | Automatically includes optimized scripts and styles in pages. | Utility | Jason Huck |
01 Jul, 2009 | [bitly] | Wrapper for the URL shortener API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
16 Jan, 2006 | [break] | Implements a break function for protect blocks. | Error | Jason Huck |
16 Jan, 2006 | [bytes_format] | Formats the output of [file->getsize] for display. | File | Jason Huck |
16 Jan, 2006 | [c5_clockskew] | Displays the difference between client and server time. | Date | Jason Huck |
16 Jan, 2006 | [c5_shortunique] | Generates a 14-character UID. | Utility | Jason Huck |
19 Jan, 2006 | [c5_stateselect] | Creates a pulldown list of US states, US territories, and/or Canadian provinces. | Utility | Jason Huck |
16 Jan, 2006 | [c5_unixtimestamp] | Returns the current unix timestamp. | Date | Jason Huck |
22 Sep, 2008 | [cache_assets] | Concatenates, minifies, and compresses JS and CSS files and returns a link to the resulting file(s). | Utility | Jason Huck |
13 May, 2009 | [cache_info] | Returns information about the specified cache. | Utility | Jason Huck |
13 May, 2009 | [cache_names] | Returns an array of cache names. | Utility | Jason Huck |
05 Sep, 2007 | [calendar_grid] | Generates calendar grids. | Date | Jason Huck |
13 Feb, 2006 | [cast] | Shortcut to programmatically cast a variable to a new type. | Variable | Jason Huck |
21 Feb, 2008 | [client_param] | Inline-safe replacement for [action_param]. | Client | Jason Huck |
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