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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_creategroup] Adds a new group to Lasso Admin. Administration Jason Huck
29 Apr, 2007  [Admin_AssignDatabaseToGroup] Allows you to quickly assign a database and it's tables to a specific group Administration Adam Randall
04 Mar, 2007  [site_refresh] Alternate method for restarting the current Lasso Site programmatically. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_groupassignpath] Assigns the given path to the given group. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_groupassigndatabase] Assigns the specified database to the specified group. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_groupassignhost] Assigns the specified host to the specified group. Administration Jason Huck
14 Feb, 2013  [clean_lasso_database] Cleans up Lasso 8 SQLite db from dynamically generated tables Administration Marc Vos
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_createdatabase] Creates a new database on the selected host and enables it in SiteAdmin. Administration Jason Huck
19 May, 2007  [site_create] Creates a new Lasso Site via ServerAdmin. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_listhosts] Returns an array of all enabled hosts. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [host_id] Returns the id for the given host name or alias. Administration Jason Huck
Showing 1 - 11 of 11

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