Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
06 Jul, 2014 | [rackspace_cloud] | Lasso SDK for the Rackspace Cloud Files API | Data Type | Steve Piercy |
24 Jun, 2014 | [twitter_oauth] | Sends an authorized OAuth request to the Twitter REST API, and returns a response in JSON format | Data Type | Steve Piercy |
12 Jul, 2011 | [QR] | QR Code Generator | Data Type | Richard Fortnum |
12 May, 2008 | [Unix_time] | modification to lp_date_date1970 tag with full time conversion | Data Type | Lubos Voros |
09 May, 2008 | [duration2] | Alternate version of [duration] that never rounds up. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
01 Jun, 2007 | [xs_url] | Stores an array of url components, incorporates tags to add components, remove, or tuncate... and to return an assembled path. | Data Type | Jonathan Guthrie |
26 Mar, 2007 | [rss] | A basic type for working with RSS feeds. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
18 Nov, 2006 | [dictionary] | A basic dictionary type. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
05 Oct, 2006 | [flashchart] | Generates XML config files for use with XML/SWF Charts. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
26 Apr, 2006 | [csv] | A basic type for working with CSV files. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
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