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bytes->setsize [Bytes->SetSize] sets the size of the internal byte stream buffer to a specified length (in bytes). This method will truncate the byte stream if the specified size is less than the current length... Bytes
bytes->private_find No description available. Bytes
bytes->reserve No description available. Bytes
bytes->sub Returns a segment of the bytes. Requires an integer parameter as the position from which the segment begins. An optional second integer parameter defines the length of the bytes segment to return.... Bytes
bytes->private_setrange No description available. Bytes
bytes->trim Removes all whitespace ASCII characters from the beginning and the end of the bytes object instance. Bytes
bytes->marker No description available. Bytes
bytes->remove [Bytes->Remove] removes a range of bytes from the given byte stream. It takes two parameters, an offset into the byte stream and the number of bytes to remove. If the second parameter is... Bytes
bytes->swapbytes [Bytes->SwapBytes] swaps two adjacent bytes in the byte stream. Bytes
bytes->size [Bytes->Size] returns the number of bytes contained in the byte stream. Bytes
bytes->length [Bytes->Length] returns the number of bytes contained in the byte stream. Bytes
bytes->uncompress No description available. Bytes
bytes->padLeading No description available. Bytes
bytes->padTrailing No description available. Bytes
bytes->setrange No description available. Bytes
bytes->split Splits the instance into an array of bytes instances using the parameter sequence as the delimiter. If the delimiter is not provided, the instance is split, byte for byte, into an array of byte... Bytes
bytes->removeleading Removes all occurrances of the parameter sequence from the beginning of the instance. Requires one parameter which is the data to be removed. Bytes
bytes->removetrailing Removes all occurrances of the parameter sequence from the end of the instance. Requires one parameter which is the data to be removed. Bytes
bytes->replace Replaces all instances of a value within a bytes stream with a new value. Requires two parameters. The first parameter is the value to find, and the second parameter is the value to replace the first... Bytes
bytes->setposition No description available. Bytes
bytes->position No description available. Bytes
cache [cache] permits a chunk of content to be calculated once and stored and then fetched repeatedly. Each piece of cached content is given a name which is used when fetching. Cached content is given an... Cache
cache_delete [cache_delete] permits cache data to be immediately removed. This method requires the name of the cached content to be specified. If the cached data is associated with a session, then specify the... Cache
cache_exists [cache_exists] returns true if the cached item exists and returns false otherwise. The optional -expires parameter can be given to validate that the cached data is younger than the indicated... Cache
cache_fetch [cache_fetch] returns the cached content if it exists. Cache
Showing 101 - 125 of 2,580

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