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[ Handle ]


[handle] sets up a section of code, a "handler", such that it will always execute when its surrounding scope exits or a failure occurs. Handlers are useful for ensuring that particular actions are carried out.

[handle] can optionally accept a boolean expression which will be evaluated before the handler is executed. If the expression is true, the handler will be executed. This is logically equivalent to placing the expression in an IF statement surrounding the handler code.

A handler block only comes into effect once the [handle] itself is reached. For example, if a method exits before the [handle] is reached, the handler is not executed. If it exists (or fails) after the [handle] is reached, the handler will be executed.

  • Syntax
handle => {
	'code to execute always'

handle( conditional expression ) => {
	'code to execute when condition is true'
  • Beginner

To perform code if a specific error is reported:

Use the [Handle] methods. After a [Fail] method is called, Lasso will allow each handle block within the current [Protect] block to run. Each [Handle] block can check the current error message to see whether it should run or not.

The following example performs the code inside the [Handle] block if an unknown error occurs.


Handle(Error_CurrentError == 'Unknown Error') => {

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