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[ xml_attr->ownerelement ]


Returns the xml_element that the attribute belongs to.

  • Syntax
  • Beginner

Retrieve the XML element that an attribute belongs to.

This example loops through some XML and outputs a list of the attributes along with the xml elements they belong to.


var( rhinos = xml('<rhinos>
     <rhino class="coder">Jordon</rhino>
     <rhino class="coder" type="lead">Jono</rhino>
     <rhino class="writer">Rachel</rhino>
</rhinos>') )

local( c = $rhinos->childNodes )

loop(#c->length) => {
     local( myNode = #c->item( loop_count - 1 ) )
     local( atts = #myNode->attributes )
     #atts->forEach => {^
          'The attribute '+#1->name+'='+#1->value+' is in the element: '+#1->ownerelement+'\n'


The attribute class=coder is in the element: <rhino class="coder">Jordon</rhino>
The attribute class=coder is in the element: <rhino class="coder" type="lead">Jono</rhino>
The attribute type=lead is in the element: <rhino class="coder" type="lead">Jono</rhino>
The attribute class=writer is in the element: <rhino class="writer">Rachel</rhino>

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