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[ xml_node->appendchild ]


The [xml_node->appendchild] method appends the supplied xml_node to the given xml_node

The method requires one parameter which is the xml_node to add. The supplied node becomes the last child of the node it is added to.

  • Syntax
xml_node->appendchild( 'new_xml_node' )
  • Beginner

Add a new child node to an existing xml_node

This example uses the [xml_node->appendchild] method to add a new 'vacation' node as the last child to the 'vacations' xml_node.


var( vacations = xml('<vacations>
     <vacation day="23" month="March">
</vacations>') )

var( vacationDay = xml('<vacation day="14" month="March">
</vacation>') )




     <vacation day="23" month="March">
     <vacation day="14" month="March">

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