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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_percentage] Returns the percentage value given the part and the total. Math Bil Corry
20 Jan, 2006  [lp_header_serveHTML] Via header, sets content type to serve HTML. Technical Bil Corry
21 Apr, 2006  [lp_date_GMST] Returns Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time in radians given a Julian date. Date Bil Corry
21 Jan, 2006  [lp_string_wordwrap] Word-wraps a string at a given line length. String Bil Corry
06 Sep, 2006  [lp_date_toOffset] Returns the date at a specified timezone offset given a date in either UTC/GMT or local server timezone. Date Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_page_isAtEnd] Returns true when called within [define_atEnd]. Utility Bil Corry
07 Sep, 2006  [lp_var_pack] Packs variables into compact, ASCII-safe bundles. Optionally can encrypt data. Variable Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_days1970] Returns number of days since 1/1/1970. Date Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_date_stringToDate] Converts a date string to a date type. Date Bil Corry
21 Apr, 2006  [lp_date_JulianSplit] Returns a map of the Julian date and time, given a Julian date. Date Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_linefeedGet] Returns the line ending in a string. String Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_CtoF] Returns Fahrenheit temperature given Celsius. Math Bil Corry
19 Feb, 2006  [lp_math_GPSradius] Returns the high/low lat and lon coordinates via member tags given a center point and radius. Math Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_trimPath] Returns a sanitized path that will never specify from harddisk root. File Bil Corry
05 Jun, 2006  [lp_array_columns] Takes an array of elements and breaks them into rows and columns (returns them as an array of arrays) Array Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_decToHex] Returns a base16 string given a base10 integer. Math Bil Corry
18 Jan, 2006  [lp_string_zap] Returns a string with all non-plain-ascii characters removed. String Bil Corry
21 Apr, 2006  [lp_math_HMStoDeg] Returns degrees given an angle in Hours:Minutes:Seconds. Math Bil Corry
14 Sep, 2007  [lp_lasso_version] Returns the Lasso version, edition and platform in a single string. Utility Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_pi] Returns the value of Pi. Math Bil Corry
12 Feb, 2006  [lp_session_redirect] Redirects to a target site and includes the current session(s), if any. Session Bil Corry
22 May, 2008  [lp_page_path] Returns page path information, depending on the member tag used. Utility Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_decimal_precisionGet] Returns the precision (aka number of significant digits) of a decimal. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_binToDec] Returns a base10 integer given a base2 string. Math Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_string_chr] Returns a character given an integer octet or an array of integer octets. String Bil Corry
Showing 1 - 25 of 119

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