Lasso Support Wins For 1027 Design
After months of rock solid performance, my server started acting up one Tuesday in October. Checked out some stuff, did some restarts and things seemed to settle down - until the next morning. The server crashed hard and corrupted some files necessitating a rebuild of one of my Lasso sites. Once everything was up and running, things ran really smoothly.
That is - until I left town on Friday morning.
Driving down the interstate, my cell phone began pinging with warning messages from the server. Out of memory, high server load and general distress messages started flooding my text inbox - all of course when I can't do anything about it!
After pulling off the interstate, finding wifi and doing some basic research, I contacted Support at LassoSoft. Paul immediately jumped on it and said he would get back to me, allowing me to go on to my planned meetings. Shortly before entering my meeting, I checked in with LassoSoft to see how things were going. I found that Jono had taken over and was actively working the issue. Jono continued to monitor the server and attempt to track the problems for the rest of the day.
That next day and through the weekend I was scheduled to be on the soccer pitch with my youth team - I was a wreck. The stress of coaching and my livelihood going up and down at random intervals is not an enjoyable combination! LassoSoft and Jono to the rescue! Jono babysat the server all through the weekend and into the following week when I was back at my computer. He continued to restart the server as it became unresponsive and implement test code to get to the bottom of the problem. The following week he worked with me at length to identify the bottleneck in my code that was causing the breakdown and to correct it.
While the cost of the services was never discussed up front, LassoSoft was BEYOND fair with the final bill. I received a lot more service than I was asked to pay for.
I'm not sure how I would have made it through that weekend without Paul and Jono's help. They are truly amazing and award winning support staff! Their help, and really the whole LassoSoft team, remind me why I chose Lasso in the first place 10 years ago.

What's more, my team won the championship. It was medals all round.
Marc Pinnell,
1027 Design